Evolution of our logo

Today I wanted to share how our logo has evolved !, Mrs Bearyo had already came up with the idea of our name, so I thought the most logical logo would be to draw 3 bears since there are 3 of us.

It did look a little plain but it was a start and we were happy, but then she came up with a better idea ! She said hey ! You should add something else to the bears.. like when its summer " sunglassess " or when its winter " hats " , so I started to work on that.

That’s how we came up with our second logo. I gotta say it did look a lot better than the first. Then she wanted me to add eyelashes to her bear, so i did but i have to say, it was so hard to add eyelashes to the bear I’m not really good add editing pictures, and finally my kid said to me that her bear didn’t have eyelahes and that she looked like a boy ! LoL, so I ended up adding eyelashes to her bear.

Most elements of our logo were purchased from The Noun Project , special thanks to them !.

Thank you Mrs Bearyo, you are the creator of our logo, I just put your ideas together.

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